Robert Izzard's Pages of Astronomical Happiness

  Codes • Computer programs for astronomy and astrophysics
I have worked on major development of several computer codes dedicated to studying the evolution of binary stars. These different codes all focus on binary stars but from very different perspectives. They are complementary approaches which together give us new insight into the physics at work in binary star systems.

My binary_c code is for population synthesis - it is fast and reliable but cannot calculate stellar structures. It is perfect for population studies and exploration of the binary-star parameter space. The fully configurable binary_grid package is used to control the evolution of populations of stars on computing platforms ranging from a laptop to a full HPCondor cluster of PCs. It is now used by a large number of collaborators worldwide.
Try it yourself at the online binary_c page.

Binstar is slow but calculates the stellar evolution in full detail. It is based on the Brussels STAREVOL code and I developed it while at ULB.
Window To The Stars
Window To The Stars my graphical user interface for stellar evolution codes. Please see its webpage for more information.
Available at Surrey gitlab. The memoize library is a wrapper for C functions that allows them to be memoized, potentially greatly speeding up underlying code with little cost to the developer.
Available at Surrey gitlab. The rinterpolate library performs a simple task, linear interpolation of an N-dimensional table, very quickly, with in-built caching.
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