Robert Izzard's Pages of Astronomical Happiness

  Teaching • Robert Izzard's Teaching prior to mid-2015

I am no longer teaching at the University of Bonn. The following information remains purely for the curious.

Winter 2014/15
IMPRS-Heidelberg Summer School on Frontiers of Stellar Structure and Evolution
Scientific Writing - 6951 (Wednesday 10am AIfA 0.008)
Stars and Stellar Evolution - astro811 - Computing exercises (Friday 8.45-9.45am)
Seminar on Technical and Computational Aspects of Astronomy - 6964 (Friday 9.45-10.45am AIfA 3.010)
Seminar on stellar evolution and hydrodynamics - 6953
The Astrophysics Seminar - astro894 - 6961
Astronomy Colloquium - 6958
Physics Colloquium - 6952
Summer 2014
Binary Stars - astro8501 - 6944 - Summer semester 2014 (Thursday 9am AIfA 0.008)
Seminar on Technical and Computational Aspects of Astronomy - 6964 (Friday 9.45-10.45am AIfA 3.010, please check the website for the start date)
Seminar on stellar evolution and hydrodynamics - 6953
The Astrophysics Seminar - astro894 - 6961
Astronomy Colloquium - 6958
Physics Colloquium - 6952
Seminar: stellar evolution and VLT flames
Winter 2013/14
IMPRS blackboard lectures: Interactive Stellar Evolution Dec. 3-12th
Scientific Writing - 6951 (Wednesday 10am AIfA 0.008)
Stars and Stellar Evolution - astro811 - Computing exercises (Friday 8.45-9.45am)
Seminar on Technical and Computational Aspects of Astronomy - 6964 (Friday 9.45-10.45am AIfA 3.010)
Seminar on stellar evolution and hydrodynamics - 6953
The Astrophysics Seminar - astro894 - 6961
Astronomy Colloquium - 6958
Physics Colloquium - 6952
Summer 2013
Binary Stars - astro8501 - 6944 - Summer semester 2013 (Thursday 9am AIfA 0.008, please check the website for the start date)
Scientific Writing - 6951 (Wednesday 10am AIfA 0.008, please check the website for the start date)
Seminar on Technical and Computational Aspects of Astronomy - 6964 (Friday 9.45-10.45am AIfA 3.010, please check the website for the start date)
Seminar on stellar evolution and hydrodynamics - 6953
The Astrophysics Seminar - astro894 - 6961
Seminar on stars, stellar systems and galaxies - astro893
Seminar on theoretical dynamics - 6952
Astronomy Colloquium - 6958
Physics Colloquium - 6952
Winter 2012/13
Scientific Writing - 6951 (Wednesday 10am AIfA 0.008)
Stars and Stellar Evolution - astro811 - Computing exercises (Friday 8.45-9.45am)
Seminar on Technical and Computational Aspects of Astronomy - 6964 (Friday 9.45-10.45am AIfA 3.010)
Seminar on stellar evolution and hydrodynamics - 6953
The Astrophysics Seminar - astro894 - 6961
Seminar on stars, stellar systems and galaxies - astro893
Seminar on theoretical dynamics - 6952
Astronomy Colloquium - 6958
Physics Colloquium - 6952
Summer 2012
Scientific Writing - 6951 - Summer semester 2012 (Wednesday 10am AIfA 0.008)
Binary Stars - astro8501 - 6944 - Summer semester 2012 (Thursday 9am AIfA 0.008)
Seminar on Technical and Computational Aspects of Astronomy - 6964 - Summer semester 2012 (Friday 9.45-10.45am AIfA 3.010)
I contribute to or attend the following:
The Astrophysics Seminar - astro894 - 6961
Seminar on stellar evolution and hydrodynamics - 6953
Seminar on stars, stellar systems and galaxies - astro893
Seminar on theoretical dynamics - 6952
Astronomy Colloquium - 6958
Physics Colloquium - 6952
I supervised or co-supervised the following students:
Denise Keller
Sutirtha Sengupta
Fabian Schneider
Dominique Meyer
Lars Krause
Tobias Brauell
Winter 2011/12
Scientific Writing - 6951 - Winter semester 2011/12
Stars and Stellar Evolution - astro811 - Computing exercises - Winter semester 2011/12
The Astrophysics Seminar - astro894 - 6961
Seminar on stellar evolution and hydrodynamics - 6953
Seminar on stars, stellar systems and galaxies - astro893
Seminar on theoretical dynamics - 6952
Summer 2011
Binary Stars - astro8501 - 6944 - Summer semester 2011
Surrey astro - IOA - CHU - SJC - STARS - BRIDGCE - UCam - Binary_c Online - Binary_c  facebook - Tarantula

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